FedEx P&D Contract For Sale (Philadelphia Metro - Northwest)
Montgomery County, PA
Nice set of 5 to 6 routes in desirable area: -Experienced manager and drivers in place -Solid driver team with good tenure -Dense routes in metro area -FedEx...
Tastykake Distribution Route, Abington Township, PA
Abington, PA
Tastykake Cake Distribution Route for sale in the Abington Township, Pennsylvania region for $165,000! Company related financing available with an estimated...
Mission Tortilla Route – King of Prussia PA
King Of Prussia, PA
Net an average of $2,900 per week delivering only 3-4 days per week (NO WEEKENDS). This...
8 FedEx P&D Routes For Sale
Bridgeport, PA
Summary Overview: Seller oversees the business remotely from his home in Florida...
TastyKake Route (6086)
Glenside, PA
Net over $1,700 a week after all expenses for only working 4 days a week.....Gross...
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