Clean, Safe, Customer Friendly Laundromat
Philadelphia, PA
This laundromat has a reputation for providing the cleanest, safest, and most customer-friendly experience in town. The business is built for exceptional cash flow...
Growing Dry Cleaning and Wash and Fold Laundry Business
Media, PA
Revamped dry cleaning and laundry business for sale. Ready to continue growing and making money. Ownership conflicts forcing premature sale. Staffed and...
Long Standing Dry Cleaner drop FOR SALE.
Bensalem, PA
25 year established business with loyal customer base. Tailoring service on site. Steady walk in traffic. Great store front.
NEWLY RETOOLED!! Philly Laundromat In a Primely Located Area
Philadelphia, PA
*NDA Required for Exact Address and Name of Business* - 5400 SQFT - Owner operated remotely, and does the maintenance himself - 20+ year lease - Retooled late...
Absentee Ran 2-Store Package Deal Laundromats, on outskirts of Philly
Philadelphia, PA
**NDA Required for address** NOTE: Yes, it is still available. If interested, please...
Coin Laundromat
Philadelphia County, PA
Lease 5 yrs,(will extend), NNN, $9,175 monthly Equipment 15 yrs
Wilmington Delaware Laundromat
Wilmington, DE
Laundromat with 4500 sf and 5 Units strip center for sale
Philadelphia, PA
2,890,000.00 is the seller's bottom line . the buyer needs to submit the buyer's...
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