Health Club Juice Bar for Sale in Pennsylvania
Philadelphia County, PA
LISTING ID # 36615 Health Club Juice Bar Opportunity available now in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Located within a bustling health club with high foot...
Nutrition Franchise-Cash Flow
Chester County, PA
Established Top franchise in nutrition and vitamin space. Nice AAA location, good lease, great opportunity for someone to get in the industry. store is visible...
The Dripbar Franchise Territory For Sale in PA!
Philadelphia, PA
Own a hot territory for The Dripbar Franchise in Philadelphia and Montgomery counties! You will receive the royalties from the franchisees in these areas just by...
Profitable Health-Focused Gourmet Cafe & Juice Bar
Philadelphia, PA
Located in a prime spot in a bustling downtown area, this vibrant, health-focused cafe is now available for sale. This well-established location has built a loyal...
Home-Based Semi-Absentee Health Conscious Vending
Cherry Hill, NJ
This business offers healthy snacks and beverages through vending machines placed in high-traffic locations such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and office...
Healthy Vending, Semi-Absentee
Doylestown, PA
This business offers healthy snacks and beverages through vending machines placed in high-traffic locations such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and office...
Well-Established Herbal Supplement Manufacturing Company With Property
Gloucester County, NJ
HS Listing ID - 39490 • Business $1,000,000 | Property $1,750,000 | $400,000...
Established Acai Bowl/Smoothie Business For Sale
Phoenixville, PA
Take advantage of the booming health food industry with this established acai...
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