Clean, Safe, Customer Friendly Laundromat
Philadelphia, PA
This laundromat has a reputation for providing the cleanest, safest, and most customer-friendly experience in town. The business is built for exceptional cash flow...
NEWLY RETOOLED!! Philly Laundromat In a Primely Located Area
Philadelphia, PA
*NDA Required for Exact Address and Name of Business* - 5400 SQFT - Owner operated remotely, and does the maintenance himself - 20+ year lease - Retooled late...
Absentee Ran 2-Store Package Deal Laundromats, on outskirts of Philly
Philadelphia, PA
**NDA Required for address** NOTE: Yes, it is still available. If interested, please...
Laundromat with 4500 sf and 5 Units strip center for sale
Philadelphia, PA
2,890,000.00 is the seller's bottom line . the buyer needs to submit the buyer's...
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