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Healthy Snack Vending, Home-Based
Birmingham, AL
This vending machine business specializes in healthy snacks and beverages. Strategically located in high-traffic areas such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and...
Simple Side Business, Passive, No Selling Whatsoever
Tuscaloosa, AL
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Typically only requires 8-12 hours a month and machines will already be placed in busy...
Established 2 Location Vending route
Bessemer, AL
Great opportunity to take over a high-volume route with 2 locations that are a mile from...
Automated Health & Wellness Vending Business, Passive
Mobile, AL
We're selling a well-established vending machine business specializing in nutritious...
Vending Business For Sale With Locations Throughout Huntsville Alabama
Huntsville, AL
Turn-key healthy vending business opportunity in a billion dollar industry. Minimal...
High Margins Health & Wellness Vending, Semi-Absentee
Birmingham, AL
This healthy vending business taps into the booming demand for on-the-go snacks. Benefit...
Vending Machines & Locations Throughout Birmingham.
Birmingham, AL
Turn-key vending route opportunity with several machines and very desirable locations...
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