Fully Equipped Restaurant with Real Estate, Owner Financing!
Pawtucket, RI
Here's an exceptional opportunity to own a thriving, long-established, and fully equipped turnkey Restaurant for Sale with Real Estate in Pawtucket, RI. This...
Busy Convenience Store. High Margin. Great Lease. Ready to Add Lottery
Pawtucket, RI
A well-established convenience store, an anchor in the neighborhood, is located on a busy street in a residential and safe area. It has a lot of foot traffic and...
Great Business Opportunity! Established Paving Company 25+ Years
Pawtucket, RI
Great Business Opportunity! This Paving Company has been in Business for over 25 years...
Very Successful Restaurant For Sale Only $55,000 Great Pawtucket RI
Pawtucket, RI
Restaurant For Sale Only $55,000 Pawtucket Rhode Island -Shish Kabobs The Business is...
Mamajuana Restaurant
Pawtucket, RI
Established and successful running restaurant in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Mamajuana...
Established and Profitable Pizzeria. Opens Six days . Great Lease.
Pawtucket, RI
Fantastic opportunity to walk in and make money from day one!! Busy Profitable Pizzeria....
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