Fully Equipped Upscale Lounge and Restaurant for Sale- 1.6 MM Sales
Providence, RI
$1.6 million in annual sales! Incredible opportunity to own a fully equipped upscale restaurant, lounge, and event space located in the heart of an iconic area of...
Upscale Urbane Wine Bar Restaurant REDUCED
Providence, RI
There aren't many of these around. Perfect 51 seat food and wine forward establishment on a busy street in Providence. Comfortable, cozy and classy a nice switch...
Popular Restaurant with Active Bar For Sale REDUCED
Providence, RI
90 seats/150 capacity Restaurant and Bar with additional outside seating Multi year,...
Fully Equipped Cafe for Sale in Rhode Island Priced to Sell
Providence, RI
Cafe for Sale in Rhode Island! Looking for a steal on a restaurant? This Johnston gem...
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