Mission's Tortilla Route, South County, RI
Washington County, RI
Mission’s Tortilla Route for sale in the South County, Rhode Island region for $120,000! Currently generating $532,428 in yearly sales and nets $79,456....
3 Flowers Bread Routes - Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 3 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $36,082 › Listing Ratio: 8:1 › Own an operation with strong margins and clean...
2 Flowers Bread Routes - Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 2 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $25,416 › Listing Ratio: 9:1 › Own an operation with strong margins and clean...
4 Flowers Bread Routes - Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 4 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $48,992 › Listing Ratio: 8:1 › Own an operation with strong margins and clean...
4 Flowers Bread Routes - Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 4 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $46,857 › Listing Ratio: 8:1 › Own an operation with strong margins and clean...
4 Flowers Bread Routes - Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Enter the bread industry at a low cost! › 4 Bread Routes › Weekly Revenue: $39,430 › Listing Ratio: 8:1 › Own an operation with strong margins and clean...
Flowers Bread Route, Narragansett, RI
Warwick, RI
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Narragansett, Rhode Island region for $185,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $61,000...
7 FedEx P&D Routes - New England
Rhode Island
Own a highly profitable operation with many spare trucks! › Spare trucks available for overflow and maintenance needs. › Full-time manager on staff to handle the...
Martins Potato Rolls Route – Warwick RI
Warwick, RI
Net an average of $1,350 per week after all expenses. This route picks up product in...
Mighty Dog Roofing
Available in Rhode Island
Build a high-revenue roofing business with cutting-edge tech, low overhead, and...
Woonsocket Commercial Account Bread Distribution Route for Sale
Woonsocket, RI
This Gold Medal Woonsocket, Rhode Island bread route delivers bakery products to...
Woonsocket Retail Bread Route for Sale. Training Incld. Truck Negotiab
Woonsocket, RI
Incredible Woonsocket, Rhode Island bread route with protected distribution rights for...
High Income Bread Distribution Route. Training. Protected Territory
Woonsocket, RI
Price: $225,000 – Weekly Sales: $6,846 Incredible Woonsocket, Rhode Island bread route...
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