Ready to Live the Dream?
Well-established 2100 sqft “Locals Pub” now being offered for sale in beautiful low-country Beaufort, SC. Sales have grown over the past few years and...
South Island Catering and Take Out Kitchen
Great location on the south end of Hilton Head Island, Catering and Take out menu, plenty of parking, busy commercial area, long term lease, all...
Long Time Island Restaurant, Great Location
Hilton Head Island, SC
"Price Reduced" Owner must sell due to health issues, has to relocate" Long time Island Restaurant, low country style seafood, sandwiched, salads, shrimp n' grits,...
Location, Location, Location! Downtown Beaufort Restaurant For Sale
Beaufort, SC
A+ LOCATION! Rare downtown Beaufort LOCATION with proven track record of sales and cash flow. Continue running this successful restaurant completely turn-key,...
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