Over $900,000 Sales From These Duo Sandwich Shops For Sale
Charleston, SC
These multi-unit Sandwich Shops For Sale boasted over $900,000 in combined 2023 sales. The owner is ready to retire and pay it forward with these amazing turn-key...
Subway Franchise for Sale averaging $8,570 weekly 2023 sales!
North Charleston, SC
Here's a Subway Franchise for Sale that's averaging $8,570 in weekly 2023 sales with a 12% cash flow track record. That's over $50,000 pocketed annual earnings on...
Restaurant For Sale: $2+ Mil Sales with $400,000+ Owner Take Home
Charleston, SC
Operate this Restaurant for Sale in a bustling pedestrian-friendly Charleston area,...
Franchise Opportunity: Charleston Area Subway Restaurant for Sale
Mount Pleasant, SC
Looking for a deal on a turn-key Restaurant For Sale? How about one that's trending over...
Local Grocery/ Lunch Counter Business w/ Long Hist. & Loyal Customers
Charleston, SC
Owner retiring! Terrific opportunity to own part of a vital piece of what makes...
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