Step into a Blossoming Career: Own a Premier Landscape Company in Pict
Charleston, SC
Wildman Landscapes is a well-regarded landscape business serving the Charleston area with a loyal client base of approximately 50 customers. With a strong online...
Lawn Irrigation Professional Biz
Charleston County, SC
Are you looking to invest in a thriving business with a solid track record and immense growth potential? We are pleased to present an exceptional opportunity to...
Landscaping Client List
Charleston County, SC
Landscape maintenance company for sale. 60 customers with a revenue of $16,000 monthly for basic maintenance. Pruning and anything else is extra billables. That...
Established Niche Yard Service/ Irrigation Business Franchise
Charleston, SC
Excellent opportunity for an owner/operator or as a bolt-on to an existing landscaping company! This franchise has a specific niche in the yard service/...
Hardscape and Outdoor Living Business with 18 years of History
Charleston, SC
Excellent business in Charleston that capitalizes on 18 years of relationships...
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