Freestanding Moncks Corner Restaurant Available
Moncks Corner, SC
Fantastic location on a main corridor close to Cane Bay, Carnes Crossroads and Nexton....
4400sf Mt. Pleasant Full Service Restaurant with Large Outdoor Patio
Mount Pleasant, SC
Centrally located on a main thoroughfare with great visibility. Huge outside patio....
B2B Premier Catering Company
Charleston County, SC
This B2B Catering Company caters to a broad spectrum of client needs in Charleston, SC....
Mex 1 Coastal Cantina- Park West Location Available
Mount Pleasant, SC
Terrific location in one of the busiest shopping centers in Mt. Pleasant. Take advantage...
2nd Gen Restaurant in Park Circle
North Charleston, SC
This asset sale is located in an area that very rarely has space come on the market, let...
Charleston Florist
Charleston, SC
Established Florist Business for Sale This highly regarded florist business has been...
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