Very Well Appointed Liquor--Reduced to Sell
Mount Pleasant, SC
Located in a fast growing market, near Beaches, Historic Charleston..Leased space in a very busy shopping center . Very stable anchor tenant (Supermarket-over 30...
Liquor Store in Charleston, SC - UPDATE: under LOI
Summerville, SC
THE BUSINESS IS UNDER AN LOI. Multiple back up offers already in place as well. Thank you for your interest. Liquor Store for sale in Summerville, SC. Small...
Liquor Store Safe Clean Busy Shopping Center Location
Summerville, SC
Heavy Traffic Location In operation for over 35 years same owner for the past 20 years high volume next door to anchor grocery store
Liquor Store on Busy Road - Poised for Growth
Charleston, SC
This liquor store, located on a busy highway in North Charleston, SC, is now available for sale. With a solid foundation and an established customer base, this...
Liquor Store with 50% + Margins
Summerville, SC
That is not a typo. Lottery sales and check cashing income lifts this liquor stores...
Liquor store on high traffic highway
North Charleston, SC
Established liquor store on high traffic Rivers Ave. located in strip mall with several...
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