Profitable Home Services - #1 Painting Company in North America
Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Office Location: Yes Wrapped Vehicle: Yes (2) Commercial License: Yes • Areas serviced: Berkeley County, Charleston County, Dorchester County,...
Residential & Commercial Heating & Air
Charleston, SC
The asking price includes all essential equipment and a work vehicle necessary for daily operations. This HVAC company caters to both residential and commercial...
We Save Customers Money: Spray Insulation Business - Charleston
Charleston, SC
This is a local contractor services business with high net profitability (ebitda over...
Profitable Painting Business / Commercial & Residential
Charleston, SC
This painting business for sale in Charleston was established in 2004 . This brand has...
Profitable Restoration and Remediation Business with Insurance-Backed
Charleston, SC
This restoration and remediation serves residential and commercial properties impacted...
High-Margin Window Treatment Business with Cutting-Edge Technology
Charleston, SC
This business specializes in delivering high-quality custom window treatment products,...
Well Recognized, Local Heating and Cooling Company
Charleston, SC
Nationally renowned HVAC business for sale which provides expert heating and cooling...
Regional Used Construction Equipment Seller: 10+ Years in Business
Charleston, SC
This well-established equipment dealership presents a unique opportunity for buyers...
Exceptional Plumbing and HVAC Company
Charleston, SC
Included in the sale are two work vans, all necessary equipment for daily operations, an...
Best Choice Roofing
Available in South Carolina
Invest in the largest roofing franchise in the nation with $6.2 MILLION in avg gross...
58-Year-Old Market Leading Site Contractor
Charleston, SC
This company provides site work and construction services for residential and commercial...
Charleston Commercial Property Management and Maintenance
Charleston, SC
This is a Commercial Property Management business that consists of long-standing...
High Gross Profits: Property Damage and Restoration Company
Charleston, SC
There is still plenty of room for additional and extensive growth in this large and...
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