Profitable Home Services - #1 Painting Company in North America
Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Office Location: Yes Wrapped Vehicle: Yes (2) Commercial License: Yes • Areas serviced: Berkeley County, Charleston County, Dorchester County,...
We Save Customers Money: Spray Insulation Business - Charleston
Charleston, SC
This is a local contractor services business with high net profitability (ebitda over $800,000). 48% new construction, 42 % residential and 10% commercial...
Profitable Painting Business / Commercial & Residential
Charleston, SC
This painting business for sale in Charleston was established in 2004 . This brand has...
Profitable Restoration and Remediation Business with Insurance-Backed
Charleston, SC
This restoration and remediation serves residential and commercial properties impacted...
High-Margin Window Treatment Business with Cutting-Edge Technology
Charleston, SC
This business specializes in delivering high-quality custom window treatment products,...
58-Year-Old Market Leading Site Contractor
Charleston, SC
This company provides site work and construction services for residential and commercial...
Charleston Commercial Property Management and Maintenance
Charleston, SC
This is a Commercial Property Management business that consists of long-standing...
High Gross Profits: Property Damage and Restoration Company
Charleston, SC
There is still plenty of room for additional and extensive growth in this large and...
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