Step Right Into The Bakery Business in Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, SC
Sale Price: $199,000 New build out and equipment of over $400K completed for store opening in September 2023. A brand new facility with all the equipment and...
Coffee roasting company with equipment, catering and Market set up
Charleston County, SC
Quality coffee roaster and a ton of coffee equipment. Triple sink and mop sink. Operated with quality beans, developed roast profiles for wholesale and retail...
$5.7MM Producer and Wholesaler of Pre-Packaged Foods! (38035)
Longs, SC
From a highly desirable location in South Carolina, sandwiches are produced, packaged...
Lucrative Fruit Bouquet Delivery Business
Greenville, SC
Owner-operator business with over $150,000 of consistent annual cash flow available now...
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