Profitable Construction Company with Longstanding History
Berkeley County, SC
This company specialized is land clearing and exterior construction work to include asphalt and concrete services as well as brush clearing/mowing, site prep work,...
Structural and Ornamental Steel Fabrication
South Carolina
This Company is a full-service steel fabrication business serving South Carolina. They specialize in everything from ornamental steel to structural steel...
Cash Flow: $1,660,408
Seamless Gutter Company Atlantic Coast in the Carolinas
Horry County, SC
New Lot with vehicle storage and office area on main road in area. Explore the year-round profitability of this well-established seamless gutter company situated...
Residential Custom Home Builder
Anderson, SC
Long established residential home builder in the upstate. Amazing portfolio and pipeline.
Regional Used Construction Equipment Seller: 10+ Years in Business
Charleston, SC
This well-established equipment dealership presents a unique opportunity for buyers...
Telecommunications Infrastructure Provider in Southeast US
South Carolina
We are proud to offer this highly specialized telecommunications infrastructure company...
Profitable Swimming Pool Design & Installation Company
South Carolina
This residential swimming pool construction company based in Charleston, South Carolina...
Cash Flow: $1,300,000
Established Construction Services - Turn Key Business
South Carolina
Highly profitable and unique construction services enterprise that has been serving...
58-Year-Old Market Leading Site Contractor
Charleston, SC
This company provides site work and construction services for residential and commercial...
ProLift Garage Doors
Available in South Carolina
Are you interested in a home services business in huge demand, with M-F, 8-5 hours and...
Profitable Spartanburg Area Grading Contractor
Spartanburg, SC
This business for sale is a profitable grading contractor located in the growth corridor...
Incredible Marine Construction Business w/9 months of signed work
Murrells Inlet, SC
Unique high end business with at least 9 months of work on the books. Bulkheads, Sea...
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