Profitable & Well-Establish Salon Conveniently Located
Horry County, SC
This well-established and beautiful hair salon is the best option in the Grand Strand for expanding or starting your new salon business. Having 4.5+ star reviews...
Day Spa Massage and Skin Care Business
Horry County, SC
This massage and skin care business is a company that embraces new ideas, innovation, and growth an environment that energizes employees and inspires them to...
Med Spa- Fantastic earnings with minimal effort
Horry County, SC
Med Spa established for nearly 20 years with tremendous year over year growth....
Waxing Salon
Myrtle Beach, SC
Unique opportunity to acquire a waxing salon. This is a highly confidential listing, so...
Waxing Salon
Horry County, SC
Unique opportunity to acquire a waxing salon. This is a highly confidential listing, so...
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