76 Year Old Elevator Company
Lexington, SC
Residential and Commercial Installation, Repair, and Modernization of Elevators in most of South Carolina 4 Dealers products
Established Concrete Franchise
Lexington, SC
Franchise of the year winner and a consistently top performer in the fastest growing concrete franchise in the nation with over 90 locations across the US....
Drywall Patching Business for Sale
Cayce, SC
$50,000 asking price. Drywall patching business for sale. 308,000 dollars in sales...
Electrical Company in Columbia S.C. – Residential and Commercial
West Columbia, SC
Full-service Electrical Contractor in West Columbia, South Carolina. The company serves...
Cash Flow: $143,000
Established Home Services Business for sale
West Columbia, SC
Step into a thriving, recession-resistant home services business that offers a unique...
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