Popular Bar and Grill; Fun Atmosphere and Great Food
Myrtle Beach, SC
Incredible opportunity to own a premier bar and grill. $1.25 in sales. Possible food...
Bar/Pool Hall
Myrtle Beach, SC
A friendly neighborhood bar where you can play a game of pool or simply relax and enjoy...
Ricks Fish House - Restaurant For Sale
Myrtle Beach, SC
Size - Approximately 3,200+ sq ft of building, 1,800 sq ft of enclosed patio on...
Wine & Spirits - Myrtle Beach Area Liquor Store For Sale
Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach Area - Liquor Store For Sale - Over A Decade In Business Myrtle Beach area...
Bar and Grill/Night Club
Myrtle Beach, SC
Reduced for Quick Sale!!!!! This popular bar and grill prides itself on friendly...
Sports Bar/Restaurant
Myrtle Beach, SC
Established bar in prime location
Ocean Front Bar/Restaurant
Myrtle Beach, SC
Reduced!!! First class bar and restaurant ocean front Myrtle Beach, fully staffed...
Extremely Busy Neighborhood Bar and Grill Business for Sale
Myrtle Beach, SC
Fantastic Bar and Grill this is a local's favorite spot near the beach. This location...
Rare Opportunity to own beautiful restaurant includes land!!!
Myrtle Beach, SC
This 10,000 square foot one of a kind restaurant is located right on Hwy 17. You will...
Anchor Bar
Available Nationwide
Home of the Original Buffalo Wing and part of food history. Expanding nationally with...
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