Crown Bakeries Bread Routes, Spartanburg, SC
Spartanburg, SC
Crown Bakeries Bread Routes distributorship for sale in the Spartanburg, Greenville, South Carolina region for $186,500! Distributorship consists of 3 established...
Martin's Bread Route, Summerville, SC
Charleston, SC
Martin’s Bread Route for sale in the Summerville, South Carolina area for $97,500. Currently grossing $316,801 per year and nets $66,144! Distributorship and...
Martin's Bread Route, Moncks Corner, SC
Charleston, SC
Martin’s Bread Route for sale in the Moncks Corner, South Carolina area for $128,500. Currently grossing $416,659 per year and nets $89,076! Distributorship and...
Flowers Bread Route, Bishopville, SC
Bishopville, SC
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Bishopville, South Carolina region for $128,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $40,000...
Flowers Bread Route, Camden, SC
Camden, SC
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Camden, South Carolina region for $148,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $62,000 down....
Flowers Bread Route, Sumter, SC
Sumter, SC
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Sumter, South Carolina region for $127,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $72,000 down....
Flowers Bread Route, Sumter, SC
Sumter, SC
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Sumter, South Carolina region for $154,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $73,000 down....
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route, Bluffton, SC
Bluffton, SC
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Bluffton, South Carolina area for $210,000! Company financing available with $50,000 down! Currently...
Martin's Bread Route, Summerville, SC
Charleston, SC
Martin’s Bread Route for sale in the Summerville, Moncks Corner, South Carolina area for $241,400. Currently grossing $789,005 per year and nets $128,923!...
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