Cash Flowing & Turn Key Restaurant & Bar for Sale!
This turn key franchise has been cranking out happy customers and profits for nearly 12 years! Choose to bring your own concept or keep the...
Turn Key Restaurant (Italian) For Sale
The Restaurant in North Charleston, SC, is a culinary gem that marries traditional Italian flavors with a contemporary twist, creating a dining...
Subway Franchise for Sale averaging $8,570 weekly 2023 sales!
North Charleston, SC
Here's a Subway Franchise for Sale that's averaging $8,570 in weekly 2023 sales with a...
Kanji Sushi Hibachi - North Charleston
North Charleston, SC
Asking Price: $169,000 Monthly Rent: $5,400 (includes taxes, insurance, and CAM fees) ...
Gourmet Market - For Sale
North Charleston, SC
For Sale: Fully Built-Out Quick Service Restaurant Address: 5117 Dorchester Rd, North...
2nd Gen Park Circle Restaurant Space
North Charleston, SC
This asset sale is located in an area that very rarely has space come on the market, let...
2nd Gen Restaurant in Park Circle
North Charleston, SC
This asset sale is located in an area that very rarely has space come on the market, let...
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