Turn Key B2B/B2C Painting Franchise with Subs and Sales in Place!
Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga is experiencing significant growth due to cost of living improvements for people relocating from other markets. We have developed a strong...
Very Steady Windows and Siding Business with $1M in Annual Sales
Chattanooga, TN
For sale is a well-established windows and siding business with a robust track record and an impressive operational setup. This company boasts a state-of-the-art...
Chattanooga - Patented Roll off Dumpsters! Locally owned and operated!
Chattanooga, TN
Featuring a one-of-a-kind “U.S. Patent” Dumpster and Porta Potti combination. Our containers are efficiently designed to be a portable toilet and roll-off box...
Full-Service HVAC Heating & Air Business
Chattanooga, TN
This exceptional opportunity involves a leading provider of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services, catering to both residential and commercial...
Trusted Parking Lot Striping and Pavement Marking Business Opportunity
Chattanooga, TN
Take the lead in the pavement marking and striping industry with a business that offers...
Paint the Galaxy! - That 1 Painter
Chattanooga, TN
That 1 Painter is the fastest growing home service business in the nation! Founded in...
Stone Veneer Distributor
Chattanooga, TN
High margin stone veneer distributor carrying multiple brands and product lines. As of...
Property Damage & Restoration Company w/ High Gross Profits
Chattanooga, TN
A high cash flow, proven and recession-proof “B2B” and “B2Consumer” company is for sale....
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