Chattanooga Neighborhood Bar / Restaurant for Sale - Freestanding
This neighborhood bar offers a unique atmosphere reminiscent of your favorite neighborhood watering hole. With 18 TV screens, patrons can enjoy a wide...
German food/ beer with American Flair and Scenic Views!
Brewhaus is a German American pub with a strong emphasis on chef driven food, paired with good ale and wine in a casual setting. It brings the freshest...
SUCCESSFUL pizza Restaurant
Chattanooga, TN
This restaurant has been open for almost 2 years. It is profitable and runs like a well oiled machine. Profitable and in a growing area of Chattanooga. Nearly a...
New Operational Infused Bakery/Dispensary
Chattanooga, TN
This is an operational dispensary/bakery located in a prime location in downtown Chattanooga, TN. This location opened just a couple months ago and is part of a...
Thriving Gourmet Dessert Business
Chattanooga, TN
Own a profitable dessert business with a unique niche in the market. Known for its rich, soft-baked cookies made from scratch using all-natural, organic...
Absentee-Operated Ice Cream Shop Business-only in Chattanooga, TN!
Chattanooga, TN
Net sales for 2023 were over $121,000! Net sales for 2024 are expected to generate at least $136,000 this year! Seller built out the space and started the...
Thriving - Absentee owned Bar and Grill
Chattanooga, TN
Prime Acquisition Opportunity - Chattanooga TN!! Step into a turn-key business that's...
B2B Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Service Business
Chattanooga, TN
For sale: A well-established business specializing in commercial vent, duct, and oven...
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