Columbia, TN Restaurant for Sale - Fully Equipped
Franklin, TN
Do you have big plans for your future? Always dreamed of owning your own restaurant but have a limited budget? Do you have a food truck but are looking for a place...
Pizza place in Franklin, TN
Franklin, TN
This is ASSET SALE for Pizza restaurant. Its currently open and operating. 1800 sqf of space, big kitchen. Setup for delivery and carry out. can put 3-4 table for...
Successful Chinese Restaurant in Franklin (33 Years in Business!)
Franklin, TN
Well-established Chinese restaurant located in busy Franklin, TN location. With 33 years...
33 Yrs Steady/High Profits in #1 Williamson-Loyal Base-3X sales easily
Franklin, TN
So many great things here: 1. Ideal for investors (high ROI) or owner-operators (as...
Nashville Area Smoothie Franchise for Sale with over $470,000 in Sales
Franklin, TN
If you're looking for a stable business that provides great opportunity for growth, then...
See more results when you broaden your search from Franklin to Williamson County.
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