Boring, dirty, essential business!! Drain and Sewer Clean outs!
Murfreesboro, TN
Manage the manager! A great place to invest your money without day-to-day commitment. Business is simple yet CRUCIAL! Multiple streams of revenue. Drain and...
Highly Profitable and Well-Established Custom Cabinetry Business!!!!
Rutherford County, TN
*FF&E AND INVENTORY WORTH $375K IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!! **Real Estate to be purchased separately as part of this transaction. Nestled in the heart of Middle...
Floor Resurfacing Business, 2.25x, New Price, Turn Key, Growing
Rutherford County, TN
This is an established, profitable and well regarded business in Tennessee's fastest growing city, just outside Nashville. The two partners have decided to focus...
Plumbing Biz $500k Revenue - Seller will entertain all offers
Rutherford County, TN
Exceptional Opportunity to Own an Established Plumbing Company - middle Tennessee Discover a thriving plumbing company with a proven track record and consistent...
Cash Flow: $344,000
General Contracting Business Focus on Restoration
Rutherford County, TN
This General Contracting business is focused on restoration and roofing. They have...
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