Luxury Furniture Store Affords Absentee Ownership at SIX-Figures!
Memphis, TN
The company was originally founded in 2009 and was purchased by current owners in...
Established and Profitable Hemp Retail Business
Memphis, TN
It is an established retail company that carries hemp, and hemp-based products. Business...
Established Rug Gallery with REPEAT Customers!
Shelby County, TN
A well established 20+ year business selling both fine handmade and machine made rugs...
Donut Business! Machine helps lower labor costs! Make an Offer!
Cordova, TN
This doughnut location has been completed updated with furniture, counter, cases, donut...
Flower/Plant Business, Memphis Area
Memphis, TN
Flower and Plant Tent Business. Semi Absentee ownership available. Investment level...
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