Extremely Popular Well-Known Restaurant
Memphis, TN
Well established restaurant in a very busy location. This restaurant has not been managed very well over the past few years, and is primed for a new, motivated...
Memphis: Family Entertainment Center, Bowling, Bar, Trampolines
Arlington, TN
Full Family Entertainment Center for sale. Join the explosive growth in the family entertainment industry. Established franchise with over 10 years of experience...
Chicago-style Pan Pizza, subs, & signature Wings are flying high in Me
Germantown, TN
The pizza industry internationally is a $233-billion business! Take your slice! It’s...
Absentee Pizza Business Brings 6 figure income!
Shelby County, TN
This pizza shop makes its dough from scratch daily. The locations do serve beer as well....
Contemporary Indian Restaurant Business-only in Metro Memphis, TN!
Collierville, TN
Net Revenue: $1,000,000 Net Profit: $170,000 $7,000 NNN per month with more than 8...
Midtown-Memphis Upscale Lounge
Memphis, TN
Business Acquisition sale, Full Lounge, come with staff processes, Managers, fully...
Donut Business! Machine helps lower labor costs! Make an Offer!
Cordova, TN
This doughnut location has been completed updated with furniture, counter, cases, donut...
Salad Restaurant 4 sale! Absentee owner & partnership opportunity!
Memphis, TN
Sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination. That’s the situation with this...
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