Sushi Restaurant
Carrollton, TX
This establishment is a quick-service restaurant specializing in Japanese cuisine,...
Wing restaurant no owner gurantee
Carrollton, TX
Located in Carrollton, Texas, this Korean restaurant is situated within a bustling...
Japanese Restaurant with the building and parking lot
Carrollton, TX
It t is a well-established restaurant offering an extensive all-you-can-eat dining...
BOBA TEA Franchise for sale
Carrollton, TX
This boba tea shop is located in Carrollton. 1.Monthly Gross Revenue: $45,000. 2.Monthly...
Profitable Sushi Restaurant
Carrollton, TX
-Profitable Sushi Restaurant located in Carrollton -The seller owned since 2020 -Size is...
Hookah | BYOB | Kitchen | Lounge
Carrollton, TX
1. Very well-known Lounge 2. Dancing floor 3. Hookah 4. Kitchen 5. BYOB 6. Great vibe ...
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