Restaurant Kitchen & BBQ Grill Cleaning Business
McKinney, TX
* * * PLEASE READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE REPLYING OR ASKING FOR MORE INFO * * * I Clean Kitchens is a Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning and Residential BBQ Grill...
Commercial power washing with reoccurring revenue!
Frisco, TX
High Tech Equipment for the biggest jobs! “Customized Box Trucks” that hold 900 gallons of water and 100 gallons of chemicals. The maximum height reached is 20...
Oven Hood, Vent, and Duct Cleaning Service Business
Frisco, TX
For sale: A well-established business specializing in commercial vent, duct, and oven hood cleaning services, poised for growth within a fragmented market. Our...
Cutting Edge UVC Equipment Manufacturer, Patented Technology!
Dallas, TX
HS Listing ID-38130 This company, running mostly absentee, specializes in the production of UVC sanitation equipment – a rapidly expanding industry. Air and...
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