Commercial Industrial Service Company In Corpus Christi For Sale
Corpus Christi, TX
Established for more than 20 years. A lot of repeat business. Leased location.
Essential Niche, Parking Lot Lining, Repair, and Cleaning!
Corpus Christi, TX
Re-occurring revenue!! Churches, Hospitals, Schools, Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Apartment Complexes, are all customers! They all need their parking lots...
Proftable Chsitmas Decor Business with Strong Market Share and Growth
Corpus Christi, TX
This turnkey business specializes in providing premium Christmas decoration services, including design, installation, maintenance, and removal of lights, wreaths,...
Gulf Coast Waterfront Location Income Producing Property!
Corpus Christi, TX
Mostly Absentee Ownership. Established for more than 25 years. Management in place. Asking price includes Business and Real Estate on over 1.5 Acres. Greater...
National Property Management Company In Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, TX
This is a busy, home based, real estate and property management business. We are one of...
Beautiful Event Center in Corpus Christi Area For Sale
Corpus Christi, TX
Sunny Corpus Christi Texas Area Location. Established for 15 years. Beautiful Setting....
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