Make 30k and up Monthly. Massive Growth Opportunity.
Houston, TX
This business can be expanded very fast in the same year. This is a residual operation which means basically we get paid while we sleep. I have developed a...
707328 - IT Managed Services Company
Spring, TX
We are offering for sale a managed IT services company providing IT Services, Cloud Services, and Virtual CIO Services to small and medium size businesses in the...
Cash Flow: $158,971
Commercial Pressure Washing Supplier in Texas
Houston, TX
LOYALTY BUSINESS BROKERS. LISTING REF #HTX01-1077 Since 2018, this established commercial pressure washing supplier has been a trusted source for high-quality...
Electronic Repair Shop - Unique Concept
Spring, TX
TRANSWORLD BUSINESS ADVISORS OF HOUSTON. LISTING REF # 76931-628579 This unique franchise concept was started in 2008 in Florida. This location was opened in...
Texas Healthcare Software Solutions Company for Sale
Houston, TX
The Company provides a leading suite of software and service solutions to support healthcare providers. Products and services included are Patient Assistance...
Cash Flow: $468,000
Educational technology group of companies for quick sale
Katy, TX
Last financial YE, consolidated gross revenue of $1.3M+, all reasonable offers welcome for a quick sale. The...
High-Margin, Customized IT Services Business
Harris County, TX
Cash Flow: $1,715,695
Trade school with proven proprietary training system
Houston, TX
Educational system which assists individuals succeed in business and cash-flow goals. A...
Furniture Distributor - Shopify - Etsy - US - SBA Pre-Qualified
Houston, TX
4 year old Shopify and Etsy business which imports and sells high-end, handmade wine...
Available Nationwide
Become a SiteSwan Website Reseller and earn money building and selling websites to local...
Virtual Monthly Recurring Revenue Video Production Company
Houston, TX
This is an employee benefits video production company that is completley focused on...
Cash Flow: $112,984
Established & Profitable Sign and Graphics Business
Spring, TX
Opportunity to acquire a profitable franchise business with a strong recurring customer...
Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV) Company For Sale - MAKE AN OFFER!
Houston, TX
Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV) Company For Sale, MAKE AN OFFER! Here’s your chance to...
Chicken Restaurant Name and Logo - $3,500
Houston, TX
Chicken Restaurant Name and Logo - $3,500 Chicken Restaurant Name and Logo Never...
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