Turnkey Pizza Restaurant in Prime Irving Location – Established 17 Yea
Irving, TX
Pie Pizzeria: Your Perfect Opportunity to Own a Thriving Business! Location & Opportunity: We made a full video for your. For your restaurant it’s below ?. ...
Indian Restaurant in Irving with Catering Van
Irving, TX
Opportunity to own an Indian Restaurant in Irving. You can keep the same menu or change and expand. Restaurant has seating for 60 people. This is an asset sale but...
Needs to Retire ASAP!
Irving, TX
Restaurant Brokers® Exclusive Listing Ref#3377 Reduced $160,000 to $95,000 for Quick...
Brunch Restaurant
Irving, TX
It is a cozy, locally owned café offering a blend of classic and contemporary...
Brunch restaurant with Building 40 YEARS
Irving, TX
This beloved, family-owned restaurant has been serving the community for over 40 years,...
Wing Restaurant with the building
Irving, TX
only 1,000 Sqft inside, but selling with the building and parking lot, total 7325 sqft...
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