Exciting Mediterranean Restaurant -Hookah Opportunity in Katy, Texas!
Katy, TX
Overview: Step into a world of culinary potential with this incredible Mediterranean...
Turnkey Chinese Restaurant – High-Visibility Highway Location
Katy, TX
This established Chinese restaurant, known for its quality and consistency, is now...
A family style seafood restaurant located on N Fry & W Little York!
Katy, TX
A family style seafood restaurant located on N Fry & W Little York. A popular place for...
Restaurant & Bar for Sale in Katy
Katy, TX
Profitable Restaurant and Bar for Sale in Katy, TX – Fully Equipped and Ready for...
A famous Korean style barbecue restaurant in Katy!
Katy, TX
A famous Korean style barbecue restaurant in Houston that practically everyone knows by...
Great location and famous for many delicious dishes!
Katy, TX
Great location and famous for many delicious dishes! The name in Korean means...
Vietnamese Crawfish , Seafood and Grill Restaurant FOR SALE in Katy
Katy, TX
Busy business, Owner have 3 locations, don't have enough people to run, downsize to 2...
Korean Style Pizza/Chicken Restaurant Asset Sale – Newly Built in Katy
Katy, TX
This is your chance to acquire a newly built restaurant (established in 2023)with modern...
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