Turnkey Restaurant with DriveThru - IceCream, Sushi, Pho, Indian, etc.
Lewisville, TX
Two options here, you may purchase the brand and operate as is under current name or rebrand and turn into what ever kind of restaurant you want. The location is...
Highly Rated, Family Owned Mexican Food
Lewisville, TX
Family owned Mexican Restaurant in Denton County is now available for purchase. If you are looking to own a long established restaurant that prepares everything...
A Reliable Vietnamese Restaurant in food court, High Traffic Mall
Lewisville, TX
This restaurant has been very stable since it opened and is a great place for who...
Wing Restaurant
Lewisville, TX
Only Serious Buyer, please This wing restaurant is a restaurant that has been in...
See more results when you broaden your search from Lewisville to Denton County.
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