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AI Marketing SAAS with 1,823% Growth in just 10 Months and $1.3M ARR is more than just a platform; it’s a revolution in how small and medium-sized businesses achieve marketing success. Born from the...
Grow A Payments SAAS With Incredible 80% Profit Over Interchange in a pre-revenue SAAS built to compete with Stripe. With all the same features in an incredible user interface, the platform is ready to...
Innovative Donation Widget SAAS (we will keep marketing for you!)
Plano, TX
ChatGive ( is the most unique donation system on the market today. It allows donors to give...
HIPAA-Compliant Healthcare Management & Telehealth Platform
Collin County, TX
TRANSWORLD BUSINESS ADVISORS OF NORTH DFW LISTING REF #52941-363762 <br /> <br />Description: <br /> <br />Step into the healthcare software industry with this...
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