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Sports Equipment Sales and Rental Company in DFW for 50 Years
Tarrant County, TX
With over 50 years of experience, this company has a long-term reputation and a well-established customer base for quality pre-owned sports equipment rental and...
Garden Center, Feed and U-Haul Store
Family owned and operated for more than 50 years, this garden center, feed and U-Haul business is a landmark in a town of 130,000 people in south-east Texas. The...
Cash Flow: $191,913
Retail Garden Center & Landscaping Services Company
The Company is a full-service retail nursery and garden center selling organic gardening...
Cash Flow: $293,000
Nursery, Landscaping, and Irrigation #66699
This business is a family-owned and operated nursery and landscaping company in Texas....
Longstanding Tree Service Produces 35% Profit! (17960)
Established in growing affluent area near Austin Texas, the company provides...
30 Year Est. Nursery with 24% CAP RATE on I-30, Expansion Opt.
Mount Vernon, TX
Discover a unique business opportunity with Rooted: Lester's Plant Market, a well- <br...
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