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AI Marketing SAAS with 1,823% Growth in just 10 Months and $1.3M ARR is more than just a platform; it’s a revolution in how small and medium-sized businesses achieve marketing success. Born from the...
Highly Successful Digital Marketing Business Est 2018 w/ 100% Success
The Founder of a 1998 digital marketing agency is selling his personal book of business, hand picked clients generating $118,000 in annual SDE. The...
Portfolio of 4 Niche Online Businesses – Ready to Grow
Allen, TX
Acquire this unique bundle of four digital ventures currently under the umbrella, each poised...
Grow A Payments SAAS With Incredible 80% Profit Over Interchange
Collin County, TX in a pre-revenue SAAS built to compete with Stripe. With all the same features in an incredible user...
Innovative Donation Widget SAAS (we will keep marketing for you!)
Plano, TX
ChatGive ( is the most unique donation system on the market today. It allows donors to give...
HIPAA-Compliant Healthcare Management & Telehealth Platform
Collin County, TX
TRANSWORLD BUSINESS ADVISORS OF NORTH DFW LISTING REF #52941-363762 <br /> <br />Description: <br /> <br />Step into the healthcare software industry with this...
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