Sales & Marketing Company! Perfect for First Time Business Owner!
This company has a fantastic business model where it sets up one day sales with repeat clients and sells anywhere from $10,000-$60,000 worth of large...
Established Property Management Business – Priced at $150K!
Take advantage of this opportunity to own an established property management business in Sugar Land, TX, part of the thriving Houston metropolitan area....
Houston Clean & Haul: Established Business for Sale
Sugar Land, TX
Turnkey Opportunity: Established Houston Clean & Haul Franchise Business for Sale Looking for a ready-to-go business with a proven track record? Consider...
B2B Parking Lot Painting & Maintenance Company
Sugar Land, TX
This thriving commercial pavement maintenance business goes beyond simply painting lines. Specializing in new layouts, re-striping, and indoor striping for...
Unique, Thriving Power Washing Business, B2B B2C
Sugar Land, TX
Become the owner of a thriving exterior power washing business, serving both residential and commercial clients, specializing in rejuvenating all surfaces to their...
Trusted Parking Lot Striping and Pavement Marking Business Opportunity
Sugar Land, TX
Take the lead in the pavement marking and striping industry with a business that offers over 20 years of experience and a proven track record. Specializing in...
Great Pool Route in Houston, TX
Sugar Land, TX
Here’s your chance to own a pool route from the city of Houston! It consists of 20...
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