Highly Profitable Restaurant Under Duress
Alexandria County, VA
This is a high volume restaurant that is facing problems unrelated to operation of the restaurant. The owner had issues and personal problems that had nothing to...
Tex-Mex Restaurant for Sale in Alexandria City, VA
Alexandria County, VA
LISTING ID # 26433 Remarkable opportunity to acquire a well-known, highly-renowned, family-ran Tex-Mex restaurant in a busy area. There has been experiencing...
Tourist-Area Milkshake Bar- Make a Sweet Deal!
Alexandria County, VA
Here's a sweet opportunity you don’t want to let melt away! This established milkshake...
Best Burger & Hot Chicken in Town
Alexandria, VA
Gourmet hot and cold Sandwich. Korean style Fried chicken with several flavors. Big...
Rare Profitable Hibachi & Sushi Restaurant For Sale!!!
Alexandria, VA
Great opportunity to acquire a Japanese restaurant featuring a profitable Hibachi &...
Discover the Opportunity to Own a Flavorful Culinary Gem!
Alexandria, VA
Step into the world of authentic Indian cuisine and take advantage of a thriving takeout...
Prime Location Latin American Restaurant MRB VA 1377
Alexandria, VA
Prime location Latin American restaurant in Alexandria for sale. ABSENTEE OWNED HIGH...
Mediterranean Restaurant for Sale in Alexandria
Alexandria, VA
Absentee owner, a turn-key business for sale. Africa-inspired operation featuring halal...
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