Turnkey, Successful, Photography Business in High Demand
Charlottesville, VA
For sale: A trailblazing TSS Photography franchise, in Central Virginia, awarded "Franchisee of the Year." Founded in 1983 and franchising since 1984, TSS...
George Howe Candy Route, Central Virginia
Charlottesville County, VA
George Howe Candy Route for sale in the Central Virginia region for $67,000. Currently grossing $366,377 per year in sales and nets $57,740! George Howe Candy...
High Volume Branded Gas Station in Charlottesville
Charlottesville, VA
Branded Gas Station Located At High Traffic Count Location In City Of Charlottesville...
Established highly profitable turn key Korean restaurant for sale
Charlottesville, VA
Highly reviewed and recommended upscale atmosphered Korean restaurant & bar in busy...
Services Company - Fence Installation and Repair
Charlottesville County, VA
Great opportunity to own a business in the $8.8 billion U.S. fencing market. This...
Charlottesville Restaurant & Deli - Asset Sale Priced at just $89,000!
Charlottesville, VA
Offered as an asset sale at just $89,000, this restaurant brought in 2023 revenue of...
Artisan Commercial and Retail Bakery and Patisserie in Central VA
Charlottesville County, VA
Filament Business Advisors is proud to list this well-established, award winning bakery...
Japanese Restaurant In UVA Area
Charlottesville, VA
Reduced Price for quick sale!!!!! Well established Japanese & Korean Restaurant in...
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