STEM Center - Motivated Seller
We are a K-12 STEM Education Center offering before and after school programs, seasonal camps, exam prep, birthday parties and special events and...
New Preschool/Daycare with #1 Franchise - Bon Air, VA
The Learning Experience is a recognized leader (#1 ranked!) in the daycare and early education industry with over 400 centers open and another 240+ under...
Daycare, Childcare
Loudoun County, VA
The center has maximum capacity of over 170 kids with potential to generate about $3,000,000 in Revenue. This center in 2019 generated $1,757,851 in Revenue and...
Turnkey operation with an experience Site Director on Hand!
Portsmouth, VA
Turnkey operation with an experienced Site Director on hand. Location is within 2 minutes of the area's largest retail and business complexes. Presently operating...
Child development center on key commuter rte in Hampton Roads VA
Hampton, VA
Turnkey operation with experienced Site Director on hand. Location is immediately off a...
Fairfax County - Profitable Montessori School Business
Fairfax County, VA
Opportunity to acquire a highly regarded educational institution specializing in...
Cash Flow: $484,774
Child Day Care Business for Sale in Richmond, VA!!
Richmond City County, VA
This well-established child day care business in Richmond, VA is now available for sale!...
Trusted NOVA Pre-School and Day Care 2 locations
Fairfax County, VA
Proudly serving the children and families of the community with two welcoming locations...
Early Education Business Portfolio for Sale
Fairfax County, VA
We are offering a confidential investment opportunity involving two successfully...
Cash Flow: $975,513
Once Upon A Child
Available Nationwide
Once Upon A Child buys and sells gently used and new children’s clothing, toys,...
Established Children's Day Care
Loudoun County, VA
Profitable home based children's day care business, currently operating from large...
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