Fully equipped turnkey Beauty Salon inside Tysons corner mall
Tysons, VA
Tysons corner center is the one of the top leading malls in the US and the best know in Northern Virginia. Located in the heart of the city at Tysons, the salon...
Upscale Medical Spa in Prestigious Mclean, VA - For Sale
McLean, VA
A beautiful Spa in prime location in one of the wealthiest neighborhood in the country. Established 2013 and having undergone a complete, state-of-the-art...
Cosmetics Retail Store for Sail in VA
Fairfax County, VA
Famous Cosmetics Retail Store for Sail in VA Well Established Cosmetics & Gift Items...
Massage and Day Spa for Sale $99K( Asset Sale)
Annandale, VA
Prime location and low rent. Turnkey operation. Very nice Spa & well maintained...
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