Turnkey Operation: Profitable Burger Spot For Sale
Ashburn, VA
Ashburn's vibrant heart beats a little faster right here, at the Ashburn Eats! Restaurant Plaza. For over 6 years, this space has been a canvas for warm memories...
Cost Adjustment.. ASHBURN Casual Bar & Restaurant!
Ashburn, VA
Real Value! Cost Adjustment.. Ashburn Casual Bar & Restaurant! Come for the food. Stay for the fun! Price $175,000 Sales $1,000,000 Sq. Ft 2950 Lease till...
ASSET AND IMPROVEMENT SALE: Fully-Equipped and Built-Out Restaurant
Sterling, VA
Restauranteurs, bring your creative concept for a turnkey plug-and-play at this 2,800sf restaurant, fully...
Restaurant/Bar Ashburn
Ashburn, VA
The restaurant was built by the present owners 5 years ago and looks brand new and is in great condition. It can be left with the same name and menu or changed...
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