2 Profitable Moe’s Franchise Businesses - S. VA
Newport News County, VA
2 Moe’s Southwest Grill franchise businesses, both end cap locations, 1 with a patio. SDE $245,445. Real estate not included. Management to transition. High...
Best Chi. & Fish Rest. high net income, quick sell price down to $65K
Newport News, VA
you should see the review, of this restaurant, very good income, pick up Chic and fish, Big kitchen, could do any kinds of restaurnt in this space. Must see, low...
30 Year Old Profitable Pub For Sale in Virginia Beach
Newport News, VA
These well established business do not come around often.... They have been located in the same location for over 30 years, in very central area that is a...
Best Deli, other food, Newport News, $8K per month, price down $130K
Newport News, VA
Best Sandwich and some other food, doing $28 to 30K per month, has other income too. very low expenses and if you want to open other food will be good too, has...
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