Pick up, Alterlation, net $12,500 a month, asking $140K, owner finance
Newport News, VA
Best location, Dry cleaning & Pick up station in Newport News, Must see. fully equipted with over $20K env. machines. 1/2 down, owner financing. owner wants to...
Net $10K per month, wants to retire invenotry included $120k, must see
Newport News, VA
Seller wants to retire giving a way best beauty supply in Newport News, VA. wants to retire soon, quick sale price included over $100K inventory. Is in well...
Best Chi. & Fish Rest. high net income, quick sell price down to $65K
Newport News, VA
you should see the review, of this restaurant, very good income, pick up Chic and fish, Big kitchen, could do any kinds of restaurnt in this space. Must see, low...
Profitable Frozen Food Distributor
Newport News, VA
This profitable business has great margins, easy to run, part-time hours and still room to grow. The direct sales force goes to the end customer and sells frozen...
Rest. Bar and pool table, business and property together only $150K
Newport News, VA
must see this 30 years of built-in-clients based good food, bar with pool table. 1600...
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