UNDER CONTRACT - Profitable Chinese Restaurant - 36 Years in Business
Lake Ridge, VA
For sale: A thriving and highly profitable Chinese restaurant with 36 years of successful operation. With an established, loyal client base and a reputation for...
Restaurant in Busy Shopping Center - by Doug Jackson
Manassas, VA
The is a sale of business assets NOT a business. The seller has 14 other restaurants and tried a new concept which has proven to not be viable. Therefore no...
Profitable, Long Established Pizza & Sub Shop - DG - 481509
Prince William County, VA
With Sales close to $1 million in 2023 and a Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE) of...
Profitable Franchise Gifting Business MRB VA 1471
Haymarket, VA
Franchise gifting business for sale in Haymarket VA. Turn key profitable business...
Subway for sale in Prince William County, VA
Prince William County, VA
A Fully Renovated Subway restaurant is up for sale in Prince William County, VA. It is...
Turnkey Japanese Restaurant for Sale on Quantico, VA
Quantico, VA
This exclusive Japanese restaurant, located in Quantico, VA, offers a rare opportunity...
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