Established Niche Medical Practice (Price Reduced)
Turn Key Practice provides exam services for general and occupational health along with injuries and illnesses from wartime exposures. Exams include but...
Light Therapy and Infrared Sauna Studio
The seller is highly motivated and is willing to look at all reasonable offers and provide seller financing. This infrared sauna franchising space is...
Successful - Thriving Business in the Growing Diabetes Market
Virginia Beach County, VA
This opportunity’s trademarked products have the exclusive feature of holding diabetic...
Turnkey Integrated Medical, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Clinic
Virginia Beach, VA
A thriving and well-established integrated medical, chiropractic and physical therapy...
Raise Funds & Spirits In Your Community - Leadership & Fitness
Virginia Beach, VA
Looking for a business opportunity that combines your passion for leadership development...
Outpatient Mental Health Practice For Sale
Virginia Beach, VA
This outpatient mental health practice is well established with a great reputation. They...
OCR/ Adventure Race In A Box - For Sale By Owner
Virginia Beach, VA
Have you ever dreamed of starting an adventure race, hosting incredible OCRs for the...
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