Boba tea
Business is sell for $50K. Looking to buyer who interested in taking over the space or love boba tea.
Franchise Pizza Biz, Eastside Give Away Price
Well known pizza franchise just minutes to the downtown areas of the BIG 3 Bellevue, Redmond, and Kirkland. This is NOT your typical pizza place with the...
OFF MARKET-Restaurant at the heart of Kirkland downtown - OFF MARKET
Kirkland, WA
An exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established restaurant located in the heart...
Kirkland Bar & Grill
Kirkland, WA
uanita-Kirkland Bar, Grill & Nightclub with no occupancy limit (has fit 400,...
* Pending - Under Contract * Subway For Sale
Kirkland, WA
This well-established franchised sandwich shop has been serving the local community for...
Kirkland dessert cafe/ coffee shop for $75,000
Kirkland, WA
Don't miss out on a great business opportunity. This super cute coffee shop with high...
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