Destination Bar & Grill with Real Estate Purchase Option
Pierce County, WA
This company is a destination food & beverage establishment. Independently owned and operated for decades, the restaurant is a widely recognized destination for...
Community Favorite Bar with Real Estate
Pierce County, WA
This business is a family-owned neighborhood bar with real estate. This Pub has an old-school vibe that offers a cozy gathering spot for the locals to frequent....
Profitable Nightclub for Sale in Seattle/Tacoma
Tacoma, WA
For sale: a highly profitable nightclub located in the vibrant Seattle/Tacoma area,...
Self-Service Beer and Pizza with Opportunity to Potentially Franchise
Pierce County, WA
New concept of self-pour your own tap beer with 80 beers to choose from. Extremely...
Well Known Pierce County Pub and Grill
Pierce County, WA
Founded in the 1970s, this beloved Tacoma pub and grill is located in a sought-after...
Established and Profitable Restaurant and Bar
Puyallup, WA
This popular local establishment is known for its welcoming atmosphere, delicious food,...
Standalone Tacoma Neighborhood Bar w/ Real Estate!
Tacoma, WA
Here is your rare opportunity to own a well performing bar and grill and the real estate...
Historic Tacoma Bar and Kitchen Business
Tacoma, WA
Here is your chance to own a very well-equipped turn-key bar and restaurant in a booming...
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